Saturday, June 5, 2010

the list

most new mothers get advice from their girlfriends on what to expect when they first bring that little bundle of joy home from the hospital: no sleep, 2 a.m. feedings, and the overwhelming need to sprint into the nursery at every little coo and grunt that is heard coming out of the baby monitor. but you don't hear as much about what to expect once that child turns 2. or 3. or 7. as i was attempting to shower in peace the other day, i had to laugh at the thought of some of the things i sacrificed when i became a mom:

*the luxury of going to the bathroom...alone.
*a clean vehicle that doesn't consist of half-eaten fries, half-empty sippy cups, 2 weeks worth
of school papers, and 5 stuffed animals
*sleeping past 6 a.m.
*glass doors free of handprints
*watching a t.v. show that does not center around a kitchen sponge who lives in a pineapple in
the ocean
*going through the day without being asked a million and one random questions, or being
asked to do a million and one random activities ("why do dogs have whiskers?" "let's play
momma squirrel and baby squirrel!")

on the other hand, i coudn't even begin to imagine all the things i would gain from becoming a mom until i actually experienced them:

*listening to them recite spelling words or read a book, and the indescribable pride you feel that
'they finally get it'
*hearing that sweet, tiny voice say "i love you"
*hugs, sloppy kisses, and the uncontrollable urge to laugh whenever they are giggling so hard
they can barely breathe
*fixing their hair and shopping for cute little girls' clothes
*becoming santa claus, the easter bunny, and the tooth fairy
*watching their pure joy and excitement as they open gifts on christmas morning
*displaying a school paper with an A+ and a smiley sticker on the fridge
*having someone tell you that you're the "best mom in the world"

of course, any mom can tell you that you don't have to make a list to know that the rewards of having kids outweigh the sacrifices, hands down. although i would like to be able to go to the bathroom alone every once in a while.

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