Saturday, May 1, 2010

just a little patience...

when did i lose my patience? i swear that i used to have tons of it. i think that the loss occurred somewhere around 2005, coincidentally around the time madelyn turned 2. yep, i'm pretty certain that my patience flew out the window during those temper-throwing, potty-training, incessant-talking, terrible twos. add ella to the mix, and now my fuse is so short that it's safe to say that it is nonexistent. as we speak, she is singing a made-up song about yogurt (and how she wants some--NOW) at the top of her lungs. she's been singing it for 10 minutes. i'm about to go berserk.

the day started off rough. maybe it's the dreary weather. or the fact that i slept later than normal, which tends to throw me off kilter. or the fact that i don't have an i.v. of caffeine hooked up to me during the night, so it takes me a good 20 minutes and 2 cups of coffee in the morning before i can function or handle anything or anybody. and before i could even blindly stumble to the kitchen to brew a pot of that glorious beverage that brings me to life, madelyn starts telling a story. this would've been fine, except sometimes when madelyn tells a story, she gets off track and starts stuttering and stammering around and forgets what she's talking about, and says things like "...and like...and, was i saying? oh" this was one of those times. so after 15 minutes, she was finally able to deliver this epic tale of how she was at aunt jen's one time and drank sprite from a coffee cup. and i had to smile, because in a way it made me laugh. but i also had to say, "really, madelyn? all of that time to tell me about sprite?" and she just laughed.

i love my girls with all my heart and couldn't imagine life without them. still, i have to it just me? is it in my nature to be impatient and get frustrated over tiny details? is it because i'm stressed out? or do children just make us this way?

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